Sayyid Abdul Halim Siwani Naqshbandi (-1912)

The venerable saint Mawlānā Sayyid ʻAbdul-Halīm Sīwānī Naqshbandī Mujaddidī qaddas-Allāhu sirrahū was the deputy and successor of Muftī Razā Alī Fārūqī Banārasī (d. 1895). He was also a student of Muftī Razā Alī in exoteric knowledge and studied with him for twelve years.

He was born in Sīwān, in the Indian state of Bihar, in a noble Sayyid family. When he heard about his to-be spiritual master Mawlānā Razā Alī, he left his home without informing anyone and joined the school of his master, where he studied exoteric and esoteric sciences from him. His family knew about his whereabouts many years later.

He was a Sufi master, a teacher in a local madrasah, a poet and writer, and a public speaker. He was often invited in Mawlid gatherings where he delivered speeches. His letters indicate that he later established a madrasah and traveled to many other places for delivering lectures as well as mentoring spiritual seekers. His poetry, in Urdu and Persian, is full of spiritual pearls and advice to the seekers.

Some people from the newly emerged Wahhābī sect debated with him on various issues. He tried his best to guide them to the right path. However, after seeing their stubbornness, he disengaged and distanced himself from them.

His silsila is as follows:

  1. Mawlānā Sayyid ʻAbdul-Halīm Sīwānī (d.1912)
  2. Muftī Razā Alī Fārūqī Banārasī (d.1895)
  3. Shāh Ahmad Saʻīd Mujaddidī (d.1860)
  4. Shāh Abū Saʻīd Mujaddidī (d.1835)
  5. Shāh Ghulām Alī Dahlawī Mujaddidī (d.1824)

He had three sons:

  1. Sayyid Abul-Khayrāt
  2. Sayyid  Abū-Turāb
  3. Sayyid Abul-Barkāt

He died on 27 Safar 1330 AH (February 1912), being little less than sixty years in age. His spiritual successor was his elder son Sayyid Abul-Khayrāt Naqshbandī Mujaddidī.


  1. Tazkirah Mashāikh Mujaddidiyah volume 3 (Urdu), by Muftī Āfāq Ahmad Mujaddidī, 2004.

See also

  1. Muftī Razā Alī Banārasī Hanafī Naqshbandī (1240-1312 AH)
  2. Shāh Ahmad Saʻīd Mujaddidī and the Indian Wahhābism
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